SA8000 Management System Certification: to develop and improve social responsibility in all your activities

Social Accountability 8000 (SA8000) is the reference standard developed by Social Accountability International (SAI) and supervised by Social Accountability Accreditation Services (SAAS) and was the first social responsibility standard to gain worldwide recognition as a certifiable reference standard. Aimed at improving work conditions, SA8000 is applicable to all companies, regardless of size, sector and country of operation.

SA8000 is based on various international conventions, such as the ILO, the UN Declaration on Human Rights and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. It covers a wide range of issues including child labour and forced labour, health and safety, freedom of association, the right to collective bargaining, discrimination, disciplinary practices, working hours, pay and management systems relating to supply chain control, external communication management and other company policies.

The benefits of SA8000 certification

SA8000 certification presents an opportunity to increase an organisation’s value by collecting evidence of its approach and its results that help identify the necessary improvement actions to achieve its social responsibility goals. Certification by an accredited body (IQNet) also shows the market that the organisation acts responsibly in relation to social ethics.

  • It testifies to the organisation’s commitment to social responsibility and the ethical treatment of employees, in accordance with global standards
  • It improves the management and performance of the supply chain
  • It ensures adherence to global standards and reduces the risk of negligence, public exposure and possible lawsuits
  • It strengthens the loyalty of employees, customers and shareholders
  • It demonstrates a suitable approach to social responsibility when you submit tenders for international contracts or expand your business locally with new business opportunities

IMQ carries out SA8000 audits for the purpose of issuing SA8000 certifications by IQNet Ltd, the certification division of IQNet (International Certification Network); IQNet Ltd is accredited by SAAS (Social Accountability Accreditation Services) for the SA8000 scheme.

Certification for CSQ schemes is awarded to organisations that operate in accordance with the applicable standards. Certificates are valid for three years. The audits are planned on the basis of the customer’s requirements and in accordance with international standards. After the award of the certificate, the organisation undergoes periodic audits and an overall system review every three years. The auditors make on-site visits to organisations to analyse their ability to plan and manage their business processes. Management system certification is the endorsement enjoyed by organisations that have chosen to equip themselves with efficient management systems and suitable skills and structures, aimed at continuous improvement. And the higher the prestige of the awarding body, the higher the value of the guarantee. Equipped with state-of-the-art technology, our laboratories have full capability to put products through all the checks required by the major European directives and international standards. The certifications issued by IMQ are synonymous with trust. They guarantee safety, performance, efficiency and quality standards. More than 10,000 companies have turned to IMQ to certify their products and stand out on the market. Notified body for the main EU directives, IMQ offers tests and CE certifications to assess the conformity of the products to the requirements required to be marketed on the European market. Inspections and audits validate the conformity of electrical installations, equipment, supplies and services with the applicable technical and legislative specifications.